offers a unique catalog of books curated for readers who love stories that include companion animals.
Browsing for books
We know how frustrating it can be to find the next book in a series or to wade through books that are clearly in the wrong category. That’s why we use a simplified category system and sort our book listings by author name, series name, and then volume within the series. We also don’t force you to search among titles that are someone else’s idea of what you should buy.
Try browsing our catalog and see for yourself!
Everybody loves a sale
A sale is even more fun when you get a great deal on a book you wanted to buy anyway! About once per calendar quarter some of our authors get together to offer their books at a bargain price for a limited time, and helps them get the word out. If you would like to hear about those sales when they happen, subscribe to the PetNovels Reader Community Newsletter.
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Authors welcome
Our book catalog is a work in progress and we’re adding new books regularly. If you are a published author and believe your books are a good fit for this site and our audience of pet-loving readers, please visit our author page for more information about how you can get your books listed here and/or participate in one of our sales events.