A Mayfair Christmas Carol

A Mayfair Christmas Carol

What could go wrong at a Christmas extravaganza?

When Mayfair’s newly-minted Chamber of Commerce goes off the rails and decides to build an ice skating rink, a decades-old skeleton is uncovered. The secrets it reveals threaten more than the town’s Christmas plans. ...

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About the Book

A Christmas extravaganza in Mayfair, Florida, complete with an ice skating rink. What could go wrong?

When Mayfair’s newly-minted Chamber of Commerce goes off the rails and decides to build an ice skating rink, a decades-old skeleton is uncovered. The secrets it reveals threaten more than the town’s Christmas plans. Feeling responsible since the let’s-attract-more-tourists idea was hers initially, service dog trainer Marcia Banks is determined to help her police detective boyfriend solve the mystery—whether he wants her help or not. Maybe she can wheedle more out of the townspeople than he can.

Will she and her Black Lab, Buddy, keep the ghost of Christmas past from destroying what is left of Mayfair’s founding family, or will her meddling make things worse?

This novella is Book 4 in the series. While the characters grow and change over the course of the series, each book contains its own stand-alone mystery.

Series: A Marcia Banks and Buddy Cozy Mystery, Book 4
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Misterio Press LLC
Publication Year: 2017
Length: Novel
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About the Author
Kassandra Lamb

In her youth, Kassandra Lamb had to decide between her two greatest passions, writing and psychology. Being partial to food, heat and electricity, she opted to study psychology. Now that she's retired from her career as a psychotherapist, she can focus on creating an alternate universe in which her protagonist, Kate Huntington, is always the kind, generous and insightful person that Kassandra wishes she was herself.

She has recently launched a new series, the Marcia Banks and Buddy cozy mysteries, in which Marcia (pronounced Mar-see-a, not Marsha) trains service dogs for combat veterans and solves mysteries in her spare time, with the assistance of her black Lab sidekick, Buddy.

When Kassandra's not at her computer, transported in mind and spirit into the world of her characters, she physically lives in Florida, with her husband and her dog.

Kassandra was born in Baltimore and lived in Maryland for the first 50 years of her life. Like Kate Huntington, she was a specialist in trauma recovery for two decades. She also taught psychology at Towson University.

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